Vocab Info

A2 Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb, Intransitive verb

閉店(へいてん)closing up shop (for the day), stopping business, going out of business

    Dictionary Definition

    1. Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb, Intransitive verb


      closing up shop (for the day)

    2. Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb, Intransitive verb


      stopping business, going out of business

    All Forms

    閉店 【へいてん】



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      Conduct a sale before going out of business. {closing up shop (for the day), stopping business, going out of business}

      • N1


      This bookstore is closing up shop (for the day) at 6 pm. {closing up shop (for the day), stopping business, going out of business}

      • N1


      A certain store went out of business, and a new one opened up in its place. {closing up shop (for the day), stopping business, going out of business}

      • N1


      The department store going out of business must undoubtedly be due to the recession. {closing up shop (for the day), stopping business, going out of business}

      • N1


      It seems that the store will be closing up shop in another 5 minutes, and the shop staff is hurriedly preparing for closing. {closing up shop (for the day), stopping business, going out of business}

      • N1
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