Vocab Info

N1 Noun


deceiving, cheating, fooling


    • Pitch Accent

    • Novels Top 47,700

    • Word Type


    • 単語の種類





      Unraveling the tricks used by the con artist in deceiving. {deceiving, cheating, fooling}

      • N1


      People who are capable of deceiving others do not have a human heart. {deceiving, cheating, fooling}

      • N1


      I believe that people who deceive others without any guilt are villains. {deceiving, cheating, fooling}

      • N1


      What else could a person who deceives others to take their money be if not a devil? {deceiving, cheating, fooling}

      • N1


      He justified his actions as if deceiving wasn't such a bad thing. {deceiving, cheating, fooling}

      • N1
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