Vocab Info



with a thump, with a thud, with a bang, , hard (hit, scold, etc.), severely, marking (on a card or tile for the purpose of cheating), card marking, tile marking, alteration


    • 単語の書類



    • (かべ)にがんと(あたま)()ちました。

      I hit my head hard against the wall. {with a thump, with a thud, with a bang, , hard (hit, scold, etc.), severely, marking (on a card or tile for the purpose of cheating), card marking, tile marking, alteration}

      • (くるま)(かべ)にがんと突進(とっしん)したようです。

        It seems like the car crashed into the wall with a bang. {with a thump, with a thud, with a bang, , hard (hit, scold, etc.), severely, marking (on a card or tile for the purpose of cheating), card marking, tile marking, alteration}

        • ドアにがんと(かお)をぶつけて(かお)()れました。

          I hit my face hard against the door and it swelled up. {with a thump, with a thud, with a bang, , hard (hit, scold, etc.), severely, marking (on a card or tile for the purpose of cheating), card marking, tile marking, alteration}

          • がんと(あたま)()ったところがだんだんプックリと()れてきました。

            The place where I hit my head hard is gradually starting to swell noticeably. {with a thump, with a thud, with a bang, , hard (hit, scold, etc.), severely, marking (on a card or tile for the purpose of cheating), card marking, tile marking, alteration}

            • ()ってフラフラと(ある)いていたら(ころ)んで、前歯(まえば)をがんと地面(じめん)にぶつけた。

              I was walking around drunkenly and fell over, hitting my front teeth hard on the ground. {with a thump, with a thud, with a bang, , hard (hit, scold, etc.), severely, marking (on a card or tile for the purpose of cheating), card marking, tile marking, alteration}

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