Grammar Info

関西弁 Lesson 1: 19/21

させる ⇒ さす

To make someone do something (causative)



[る1]Verb → 見 +
[る⁵]Verb → 座 +
[う]Verb → 歌 +
[く]Verb → 歩 +
[す]Verb → 話 +
[つ]Verb → 打 +
[ぬ]Verb → 死 +
[ぶ]Verb → 飛 +
[む]Verb → 休 +
[ぐ]Verb → 泳 +



    About させる ⇒ さす

    The auxiliary verbs せる and させる will be modified in 関西弁(かんさいべん), creating a new form that interacts with the indeterminate form of verbs. In the case of う - Verbs, this is the form that interacts with ない, not the form that interacts with う. In standard Japanese, the せる and させる forms are referred to as 'causative' (someone/thing is made to perform an action). This meaning stays the same in the Kansai dialect.
    The kansai form of せる will be す (with う - Verbs), while させる will become さす (with る - Verbs, する, and くる).
    • (あか)ちゃんベビーフード()べさす
      I make the baby eat baby food.
    • 息子(むすこ)一人(ひとり)()(もの)()かす無駄(むだ)(づか)する
      If you make my son go shopping alone, he spends money frivolously.
    • (わたし)(つか)れたらすぐ(つま)運転(うんてん)さす
      When I get tired, I make my wife drive.
    • (むか)えに()さすの?(ある)いた(ほう)(はや)ない
      You're going to make them pick us up? Isn't it faster to walk home?
    These short forms of せる and させる are 'preferred' in the Kansai dialect, but are not a requirement. The standard forms may still occasionally be heard.




      To make someone watch.


      I make him study everyday.


      I make them memorize kanji.


      What are you going to make them do?


      To make someone watch TV everyday.

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