AといおうかBといおうか + (Phrase)
where A and B can be Noun, い [Adjective], な [Adjective] or Verb
About といおうか
と言おうか is an expression that combines the case-marking particle と in its quotation use, the volitional form of the う-Verb 言う, 言おう ‘to say’, and the adverbial particle か used for mid-sentence questions. It may be translated as ‘how to put it’, or ‘perhaps it’s (A), or perhaps it’s (B)’. However, the more literal ‘shall I say it is (A), or shall I say it is (B)’ is also a common interpretation.
This expression will be used twice, where both the (A) and the (B) phrase are being questioned by the speaker. As with many other uses of と of a quotation, the preceding word may be almost anything.
と言おうか is interchangeable with the more common と言うか, but it is advisable to only use it when specific emphasis needs to be made, or for some type of dramatic effect. In many cases, it will sound unnatural in daily speech.
と言おうか will frequently be used with fairly vague or imprecise descriptions, in order to avoid but hint at what the speaker actually wants to say. Often, this will be something negative, and will therefore be omitted.
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I took the wrong train the other day. I made such a blunder at that time, how shall I put it, it was funny? or perhaps troubling?... Anyway, it turned into an unforgettable memory.
A: 'What is Puchi cheese?'
B: 'How shall I put it, a cracker, or perhaps a snack with cheese... (well, I can't think of the right word)'
'Who is she?'
'How shall I put it, his ex-girlfriend, or perhaps his friend, it's complicated.'
How shall I put it, he is calm or perhaps relaxed, he takes his time with everything.
I finally started living alone, and how shall I put it, I don't really know if I am lonely or happy.
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