Phrase + は + 言うまでもない
Verb + ということ(1)は + 言うまでもない
[い]Adjective + ということ(1)は + 言うまでもない
[な]Adjective + ということ(2)は + 言うまでもない
Noun + は + 言うまでもない
(1) こと、の、というの
(2) というの、なこと、なの、
About は言うまでもない ①
は言うまでもない is a structure that combines the adverbial particle は, the う - Verb 言う, two (2) additional adverbial particles まで and も, and the い-Adjective ない. This is regularly translated as 'it goes without saying that (A)', or 'it is needless to say (A)', where (A) is whatever comes before は.
This expression may be preceded by almost any phrase, but is often emphasized even further by the inclusion of こと (or の), or ということ (or の).
Literally, this expression is a combination of the meanings of its individual parts.
は - Presents the topic.
言う - Presents that topic as something that can be said.
まで - Presents 'being said' as an extent.
も - Emphasizes the extent set by まで.
ない - Expresses that extent as not existing.
Fun Fact
This grammar pattern will often be followed by structures such as が, to add a 'but' nuance.Related
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It goes without saying that one should help people in need.
It goes without saying that if you stop wasting electricity, the electricity bill will go down.
It goes without saying that Tomo-chan's popularity in Osaka is high.
It goes without saying that 'False love' is one of the best manga of this generation.
It goes without saying that oxygen is essential to live.
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は言うまでもない ① – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (16 in total)
it goes without saying (that)
(it is) needless to say
I don’t need to remind youStructure
- Verb + (という) + こと / の + は + 言うまでもない
- い-Adj + (という) + こと / の + は + 言うまでもない
- な-Adj + という + こと / の + は + 言うまでもない
- な-Adj + な + こと / の + は + 言うまでもない
- Noun + という + こと / の + は + 言うまでもない
- Noun + (なの) + は + 言うまでもない
- Phrase + (は) + 言うまでもない
[Used to express something obvious, not surprising. Often used to remind someone or conf...
I have a question about this example:
B:「うん、それ は言いうまでもない ね。」それ is a noun here (hence それなのは〜 also being accepted), so why is それというのは〜 not accepted?
To be honest, それというのは言うまでもない is simply not used. It is understandable though.
I hope it helps,
Okay, thanks.
Hello! I noticed a similar example:
英語 is a noun, but entering こと in the answer is marked wrong. Is there another rule not written in the explanation?mrnoone
Hey @pandashoujo
In this case, ことはいうまでもない does not sound natural.
Actually, I decided to change the structure section, so that only Noun + はいうまでもない construction is provided.
It is because Noun + ということは言うまでもない rarely feels natural and in most cases, Japanese speakers would correct it to は言うまでもない so it is better to avoid it.Sorry for the inconvenience
An example where it feels natural:
Needless to say, this line sounds like him.彼はかなり人気だ。金持ちということは言うまでもない。
He is quite popular. Not to mention, he is rich.pandashoujo
I see! Thank you for updating the explanation. I think it will help me.
I am a little confused about verbs in this structure, though. Sometimes it seems like they should get こと, sometimes not. Are they considered “a phrase” rather than a verb at times?
By adding こと you are nominalizing what’s before it.
Depending on each sentence, nominalizing what’s before 言うまでもない will make it sound more natural and concise, it’s usually when you have longer sentences rather that one-off words.
You don’t nominalize/use こと if it would be redundant (for example, a sentence that’s already being nominalized by a か or similar nominalizers) or if it’s a single noun.
Read over the example sentences and I’m sure it’ll become clear!
Hope this helps!dom1911
As I am learning this grammar point I am constantly amazed that there are sometimes up to 17 ways of phrasing this. Granted a lot of them just differ in the level of politeness but I am curious if there are some forms that are predominately used so that I can focus on some. (My native-level partner said I should just choose one and stick to it but I’d prefer one that is actually commonly used)
For the example sentence「 生きるのに酸素が必要なことはいうまでもない。」would it be unnatural to say 「生きるのに酸素が必要だとはいうまでもない。」?
Would that change the meaning a little to make 「生きるのに酸素が必要」 a quote instead of just stating it as fact?
言わずもがな is a real expression that either means something does not have to be said (like 言うまでもない), or that something is better left unsaid.
言う + negation ず + inclusive も + desire がな.
Thanks! Hadn’t come across がな before, and this phrase isn’t mentioned at all as part of the grammar point…
This line of reasoning does make sense, with べき attaching to nouns directly.
But it also can be followed by だ directly, so it doesn’t universally match verb (or な-adjective, or 連体形 for that matter) behavior. There’s more on it here べき (JLPT N3) | Bunpro and here べき - Grammar Discussion - #16 by nekoyama.
So the practical approach here might be to just individually remember all constructions with べき that exist.
Would be ……だというまでもない incorrect here?
Hey @sandoru !
だというまでもない would be incorrect and would sound a bit unnatural!
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