まだ + Verb[ている]
まだ + Noun + が + いる
まだ + Noun + が + ある
Part of Speech
Word Type
Independent Word
Rare Kanji
About まだ
In English, まだ is regularly translated as 'still', or 'not yet', depending on if it is used in a positive non-past, or negative sentence. The reason that Japanese only requires one word for both of these nuances is due to まだ literally meaning 'something is unexpectedly still going'.
From these sentences, we can see that まだ may be translated in each case as the following.
(Non-past) - Although (A) is expected to not be there/happening, it is. 'Still' in English.
(ている) - Although (A) is expected to not still be going, it is. 'Not yet' in English.
The negative form of this will be discussed more in まだ~ていません.
This is the opposite of もう, which means 'something is unexpectedly finished'.
まだ may also be used to ask questions. This is when the speaker thinks that something 'might' be continuing, but wants or needs to confirm.
Fun Fact
まだ is often used simply as an expression indicating that something is 'lacking', or 'not yet' where it needs to be. In these cases まだ is frequently repeated as まだまだ, for emphasis.
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There is still cake in the fridge.
Are you still eating!?
''It is still too early for you.'
It's still raining?
My foot still hurts.
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The Particle まだ as 'still'
「Learn Japanese」
Marugoto Elementary 1 (A2) Rikai
Page 80
みんなの日本語 I
Page 50 [CH 7]
みんなの日本語 II
Page 36 [CH 30]
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