More common patterns:
Verb[る]+ までもない
Verb[る]+ までもなく + Phrase
Less common patterns:Verb[る]+ までもなくて + Phrase
About までもない
までもない is a grammar pattern that consists of the particle まで 'until', the adverbial particle も, and ない 'there is not'. This structure will primarily be seen with a translation similar to 'there is no need to (A)', or 'it is not necessary to (A)'. However, a more literal translation of 'it is not so far as to (A)' is also completely acceptable, and still carries the correct nuance.
までもない will be used following verbs in their dictionary form, and may or may not have a part (B) explaining why (A) is not necessary.
までもない will be used following verbs in their dictionary form, and may or may not have a part (B) explaining why (A) is not necessary.
痛いけど、指は全部ちゃんと動くから病院に行くまでもないと思う。Although it hurts, all my fingers move properly so there is no need to go to the hospital.
- 息子を見て、何か悪いことをしたと分かった。聞くまでもなかった。I could tell that my son did something bad by just looking at him. It was not necessary for me to ask anything.
- あの人ならなんとかしてくれるよ。心配するまでもないよ。Knowing that person, they would probably do something about it. There is no need to worry.
When coming between an (A) and a (B) phrase, the conjunctive form までもなく will be used, but this is less common.
言うまでもなく、不法投棄で近所の人が迷惑しています。It goes without saying that illegal disposal of garbage is causing troubles to the people in this neighborhood.
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Hey, there is no need to compare Goku to someone like Krillin, because he is far stronger than Vegeta.
There is no need to ask questions because the teacher has already explained everything.
Judging from this exam's difficulty, the results are clear without the need to see them.
Yuki: 'Saki, that was cruel.'
Saki: 'If it's a guy like that, there is no need to be friendly.'
'There is no need to correct it, it is clearly wrong.'
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