Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 3: 1/23


Without worrying about


Verb + + (1) + かまわ
[い]Adjective + + + かまわ
[な]Adjective + である + (1) + かまわ
Noun + (1) + かまわ



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About も構わず

(かま)わず is an expression that combines も, the う-Verb (かま)う 'to mind', or 'to care', and the literary auxiliary verb ず, which connects to verbs in the same way, and has the same meaning as ない. Common translations for this pattern include 'without worrying about (A), (B)', and 'without minding (A), (B)'. This structure is seen with verbs, い-Adjectives, and な-Adjectives followed by の, but may also follow nouns without the addition of の. Occasionally, にも may be used instead of も for further emphasis.

(かま)わず is used most frequently to express that (A) is something that is either being ignored or that the speaker is not worried about. The (B) part of the statement will regularly highlight something that is being without any consideration for (A). This comes from the standard 'to brace', or 'to give pause' meaning of (かま)う.




    Without worrying about other people looking, she danced in the nude.


    Without worrying about the uneasiness of what to do in case of failure, he confessed his feelings in front of everyone.


    Without worrying about all of the stuff ups, I am still diving into my research.


    Without worrying about food, they immerse themselves in their work.


    I got married without worrying about the repeated advice I got. It was a huge failure.

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も構わず – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (7 in total)

  • megatron0000


  • nekoyama


    をものともせず is used when someone does something in the face of adverse circumstances.

    “Even though there is a [noisy and annoying] siren, some people still pull through and fearlessly manage to make no ostensible effort to evacuate”… sounds a bit weird.

  • mrnoone


    Just like @nekoyama says, it will sound strange.
    “をものともせず” means to not give to difficulties or criticism, and is followed by action we can admire in those circumstances.
    He went into the game despite his injury.

    I stood up for myself despite criticism.

    You can use " を意に介さず" instead, which simply means ‘not caring’ or ‘not worrying’.

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