Verb[stem]+ やすい
About やすい
易い is an い-Adjective that is regularly seen attached to the ます stem of verbs (the form of a verb that can be used as a noun). When attached in this way, it carries the meaning of 'easy to (A)', where (A) is the verb that comes before やすい.
Sometimes, やすい has a translation that is a bit closer to 'prone to (A)', or 'likely to (A)' in English. This nuance is regularly seen when the verb is related to emotions.
There is another adjective 安い that has the meaning of 'cheap'. This kanji should never be used with verbs to mean 'easy'. Most of the time, やすい itself will be written in hiragana, and usage of 易い is quite limited.
Fun Fact
Although 易い is an い-Adjective, it is almost never used by itself (when not attached to verbs). In such cases, it is much more natural to use the な-Adjective 簡単.
昨日やすいゲームを買った。The game that I bought yesterday was cheap. (安い meaning cheap, not 易い meaning easy)
私は簡単なゲームが好きです。I enjoy easy games. (易い would not work here, as it is not usually used without a verb)
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Cake is easy to make.
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These white clothes are easy to get dirty.
Because I like this music, it is easy to dance.
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V + やすい & V + にくい
Genki II 1st Edition
Page 163
Genki II 2nd Edition
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みんなの日本語 II
Page 120 [CH 44]
Marugoto Elementary 2 (A2) Rikai
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[DBJG] A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar
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Tae Kim's Japanese Grammar Guide
Page 275
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やすい – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (10 in total)
Here’s the related grammar point, but basically い becomesくto attach to なる to say something becomes. In this case it became easy to slip.
Ah, I see.
I am still in the phase of ignoring the rest of the sentence and only focusing on the grammar itself.Thanks for the help.
Why is it ga and not de?
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