Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 9: 22/22


Fellow, With each other, Mutually, Between, Among, Together, With


Noun + 同士(どうし)
Noun + 同士(どうし) + + Noun


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About 同士

同士(どうし) 'fellow' is a noun that may be used in the same way as a suffix. When used this way, it conveys things that are 'mutually (A)', 'fellow (A)', or '(A) together'.
To use 同士(どうし), attach it directly to the end of another noun, before expressing further information about that 'mutual' relationship. Alternatively, (noun + 同士(どうし) + の + noun) is also common, and expresses that noun (B) is a grouped form of noun (A).
  • これ弁護士(べんごし)同士(どうし)(はな)しなので勝手(かって)(はい)って()ないで(くだ)さい
    This is a conversation between lawyers, so please don't barge in.
  • 家族(かぞく)同士(どうし)会話(かいわ)するときほとんど日本語(にほんご)です
    When we talk between family members, we mostly use Japanese.
  • (かれ)友達(ともだち)同士(どうし)約束(やくそく)(やぶ)った。
    He broke a promise that was made between friends.
  • (たが)大人(おとな)同士(どうし)なんだから()()いて(はな)()おうよ。
    We are fellow adults, so let's calm down and talk about this.
同士(どうし) is used most often to express two different types of 'mutuality'. These are as follows:
種類(しゅるい) - Type. (A) is the same type as (B).
関係(かんけい) - Relationship. (A) shares the same relationship as (B).
  • あなたたちは本当(ほんとう)()たもの同士(どうし)ね。
    You guys are really similar (in personality).
  • それ兄弟(きょうだい)同士(どうし)問題(もんだい)でしょ?(わたし)()()ないで
    That is an issue between siblings, isn't it? Don't pull me into it.
同士(どうし) is most frequently used to highlight 'people', or 'living things' that share some type of relationship, rather than inanimate objects. An easy way to remember this is that the () kanji in this word means 'gentleman'. However, it may occasionally be seen in reference to inanimate objects as well.
  • この(のり)(かみ)同士(どうし)よくくっつきますプラスチック同士(どうし)あまりくっつかないです
    This glue sticks really well between paper, but between plastic, it does not stick well. (Natural, but not very common)
  • プロ格闘家(かくとうか)同士(どうし)(たたか)いは()ていて(たの)しい。
    Watching a fight between two professional martial artists is fun. (Natural)




    When male giraffes fight among themselves they hit each other with their long necks.


    Because of that, cooperation among Japanese companies is needed more than before.


    Those among us who have lost, let's go drinking!


    'だって' is an informal expression used among family and friends, therefore please do not use it when discussing with superiors and the like.


    You can connect pages together with a string like this.

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