Grammar Info

N4 Lesson 10: 8/18

()()To notice (that), To realize (that)


Verb + こと(1) + ()つく
Noun + ()つく



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About にきがつく

()() is a common expression that highlights when someone 'notices that (A)', or 'realizes that (A)'. ()く 'to be attached' is the intransitive form of ()ける 'to attach', meaning that it is something that happens by itself. The case marking particle marks the 'location' to where your () (sometimes interpreted as 'attention') becomes attached.

This structure may be used after nouns, or verbs that have been nominalized with either , or こと.

Fun Fact

There are many different translations for () in English. These can range from 'spirit', to 'attention', to 'will', or even 'consciousness'. However, perhaps one of the most accurate ways to translate (), is 'presence of mind'. The 'location' to which your focus, attention, or perception is drawn, will always highlight your ().




    I wonder if he has noticed what is missing.


    I just now noticed that I forgot my money.


    Did you notice your mistake?


    Woah! You noticed? I'm so happy!


    Today is Mom's birthday! I didn't notice.

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      にきがつく – Grammar Discussion

      Most Recent Replies (13 in total)

      • Pushindawood


        to notice
        to realize


        • Verb + こと・に・気・が・つく
        • Noun + に・気・が・つく

        [気がつく can be contracted to 気づく, making it more casual]

        View on Bunpro


        I have noticed that the examples for this, in casual form, always conjugate the negative cases to 気がついていなかった. For example:

        • 今日は母の誕生日だ! 気がついていなかった
        • 先生が話し終わったのは 気がついていなかった です。

        However, the positive examples are not 気がついていた, but the ordinary positive casual conjugation, 気がついた:

        • 時計を見て、もう4時間が経ったこと に気がついた
        • 帰って来た時(とき)卵を買うことを忘れたこと に気がついた

        The only example given in the polite form is a positive conjugation “自分のミスのこと に気がつきました か。” Would the polite negative use “気がつきませんでした” or “気がついていませんでした”?

        Thanks for any insights anyone might have, and I apologise for any sleep deprivation induced typos.

      • CrisH


        In this sentence, I can’t figure out what the 言(い)う is for. Is it supposed to be that they hadn’t noticed someone say that it was the last question? Thanks.

      • darkness_rising


        Pretty sure it’s just a nominalizer:

      • CrisH


        Ah, I’ve not seen that one yet - thank you

      • Howl_UK


        I just got a review wrong with きがつけなかった and don’t know why so would also appreciate if someone could shed some light on this.

        Edit: Ah never mind. It’s つく not つける.

      • ccheng1231


        I was curious if there was a difference between using に気がついていなかった vs に気がついなかった?

      • Daru


        I think this might be a typo, but, the main difference between 気が付く and 気を付ける is the transitivity in each of them. On one you realize as its mostly due to external stimulus that you came to the conclusion, and on the other you put attention or care into something.

        Hope this helps!

      • Superpnut


        I just added this grammar point to my review pool and was looking at the “Examples” tab. It appears that there isn’t a single example sentence that uses this grammar point in the form that it is originally delivered. And all three of the sentences in the “Details” tab under “Information” use this grammar point in a past tense. Why wont you give us a sentence using this grammar point in the form you advertise it. Why are you scared.

      • simias


        Are 気がつく and 気づく effectively synonymous? Is the latter just more colloquial?

      • melonflavor


        I was wondering the same thing. I was only familiar with 気づく prior to this lesson and there’s no mention of it on bunpro.

        Edit: I’m seeing now that 気づくis accepted as an alternative answer in reviews, so I guess that answers my question. I think it would be helpful if both forms were presented in the grammar point explanation though.

      • drakeling


        Hello, I had a question regarding this grammar point. I found that one of the example sentences listed on the grammar point 以外 has the following sentence:


        How come they don’t use the に particle following 以外 like they teach us with the grammar structure for に気が付く ?

      • Fuga


        Hey @drakeling !

        Just like other particles in Japanese, the に can be omitted in certain situations, especially in a casual conversation like the example sentence!

        We have just reviewed this example sentence and because we do not teach に気が付く until lesson 10 and いがい is taught in lesson 5 of N4, we have changed this sentence to 彼は言われたこと以外何もしないよ。( He will not do anything other than what he is told.), which only include grammar points taught up to that point!

        Thank you for pointing this sentence out and I hope I answered your question!

      • LotBlind


        You should probably go ahead and update the lesson to be explicit about the rule (?) / tendency (?) to use the continuous te-form in the negative, as is the case in all the examples but one as someone pointed out ages ago. You’re not teaching the grammar present in the sentences properly here. Also some mention about the relationship between 気がつく and 気づく seems to be in order. Thank you!

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