Grammar Info

N4 Lesson 8: 6/18

(たと)えばFor example


たとえば + Phrase


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About たとえば

たとえば (or (たと)えば in its kanji form) is an adverb in Japanese that is used at the beginning of a sentence, or an individual statement, in order to present an example. It can be translated almost directly as 'for example'.

Fun Fact

(たと)えば should primarily be used when the 'example' that is being given is as simple as possible. If you want to explain something in further (in-depth) detail, (くわ)しく 'in full' would be used as the adverb instead.




    For example, why don't you ask 'Do you like English?'


    For example, if you become a translator, you will be able to live in Japan.


    There are a number of sites you can use to learn kanji. For example, Wanikani.


    For example, if you speak Japanese every day, your Japanese level will rise.


    For example, I want to make a restaurant like that Italian restaurant over there.

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      たとえば – Grammar Discussion

      Most Recent Replies (3 in total)

      • Pushindawood


        for example


        • たとえば + Phrase

        View on Bunpro

      • deltacat3


        For example, why don’t you ask ‘Do you like English?’

        This is the first time I have seen [Verb ~たら] used at the end of a sentence.
        So I read と聞いてみたら as “If/when you try to ask”.

        Is there something I am missing here?

      • nekoyama


        This is covered in the たらどう grammar point. You can (casually) make suggestions without spelling out the part after the conditional.

      • deltacat3


        @nekoyama Thank you for that clarification! At least it seems like a very logical combination, with the hypothetical condition [~たら] is modifying どう “In which way/manner?”. To literally express “what if you do… (this)?”

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