
N3 レッスン 3: 17/22

についてConcerning, About, Regarding


Noun + ついて
Noun + ついて + + Noun


  • 使用域


  • あまり見かけない漢字



について is a combination of the case marking particle , the verb う - Verb ()く 'to assume a position', and the conjunction particle て. It is most often translated as 'about (A)', or 'concerning (A)', with the literal translation being closer to 'taking the position of (A)', or 'assuming the topic of (A)'.

について may be used after nouns, or noun-phrases (phrases that use こと, の, etc).

について may also appear before の + noun. In this use, it means '(A) that is about (B)'.


It is rare to see について actually using the kanji (). について itself is regularly considered as a single compound word, rather than a combination of its parts.




    Have you talked to anyone about this problem? (concerning)


    There should be training regarding fires. (about)


    I was taught information regarding earthquake disasters. (concerning)


    Regarding the cause, we are still investigating. (concerning・about)


    You will be informed about what to bring tomorrow. (regarding)

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最近の返信 (合計20件)

  • amph1ptere


    Also the first question I asked myself when I saw this grammar point. Does anyone have any insight into the nuance between は and について specifically? I don’t think it’s been answered elsewhere in this thread.

  • simias



    Hopefully someone with deeper knowledge of the language will chime in but I think this confusion only arises because sometimes people translate Japanese は as “regarding X” or “concerning X” etc… which are also translations for について.

    But that’s kind of misleading in this case because we only translate は that way when we want to emphasize the grammatical role of は in a sentence. It’s rarely the proper way to translate it into English. For instance you would only translate 彼は日本人です as “regarding him, he’s Japanese” if you were looking to really break down the grammar, it’s not a correct and natural translation of the Japanese. A more natural translation would simply be “he’s Japanese”.

    On the other hand 彼について、日本人です would actually mean “on the topic of him, he’s Japanese” or something to that effect. It’s a lot more “forceful” and literal as a way to set the topic.

    As an example you look at the titles for this podcast for beginners:

  • simias


    I just encountered this sentence in the wild that showcases both について and は:


    If you translate very literally:

    As for (は) kotomi-kun, on the subject of (について) me, did he say something?

    But in a less literal translation you’d probably just say:

    Did kotomi-kun say something about me?

    The は kind of disappears in this translation and kotomi-kun becomes the grammatical subject, but the について is still present in the “about”.

「について」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
