
N2 レッスン 9: 19/23


Not only...but, Not just...but, What is more


Verb + のみなら
[い]Adjective + のみなら
[な]Adjective + のみなら
Noun +(である)+ のみなら
Phrase。 のみなら + Phrase


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のみならず is a structure consisting of のみ, the literary particle equivalent of だけ meaning 'just' or 'only', the negative stem-form of the う-Verb なる 'to be', and the literary auxiliary verb ず, which connects with verbs in the same way, and carries the same meaning as ない. This expression indicates that something is 'not just (A), but also (B)', or 'not only (A), but (B) too'.
のみ connects to words in the same way as だけ, so this pattern will be seen following Verbs, い-Adjectives, な-Adjectives, or nouns.
  • 今日(きょう)仕事(しごと)遅刻(ちこく)したのみならず(かえ)りの終電(しゅうでん)(のが)してしまった。
    Today I was not only late for work, but also missed the last train home.
  • 日本(にほん)(なつ)(あつ)のみならず湿気(しっけ)(たか)いから熱中症(ねっちゅうしょう)になりやすい。
    Japanese summers are not only hot, but also humid, making it easy to suffer heat stroke.
  • あのパソコンは便利(べんり)のみならず(やす)いので(ほか)のと(くら)べてたくさん()れています。
    That computer is not only convenient but also inexpensive, so it sells a lot more compared to the others.
  • この漫画(まんが)子供(こども)のみならず大人(おのた)(あいだ)でも人気(にんき)があります。
    This manga is popular not only among children, but also among adults.
Occasionally, のみならず may function as a conjunction, appearing at the beginning of a new sentence. In these cases, the meaning is the same, but usually translates closer to 'what's more', 'furthermore', or 'moreover'.
  • 田中(たなか)さんは(わたし)先輩(せんぱい)だ。のみならず(いのち)恩人(おんじん)でもある。
    Tanaka-san is my senpai. Furthermore, he is the person that saved my life.
  • 高橋(たかはし)さんはサッカーの専門家(せんもんか)だ。のみならず野球(やきゅう)にも(くわ)しい。
    Takahashi-san is an expert on soccer. Moreover, he is also very knowledgeable about baseball.
Caution - As this structure is formal, it will primarily be seen in literature, or heard in speeches.




    Anime and manga have gained enormous popularity not only in Japan, but all over the world.


    Light emitting diodes are not only much cheaper than fluorescent lights, but also their impact on the environment is miniscule.


    The new Boston Dynamics robot is a fantastic device that can not only run quickly, but is also able to do things like jump and regain balance if pushed.


    This presidential nominee is not only a person with abundant knowledge, but also is a person with vast experience.


    Smoking has the potential to cause lung cancer not only for smokers, but also for those around them, especially children and the elderly.

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      最近の返信 (合計1件)

      • hgsnow


        This grammar point is also on 新完全マスター p30

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