Vocab Info

N1 Adverb


to the last, persistency, thoroughness


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    • 単語の種類





      I will never give up, I will persist to the very end. {to the last, persistency, thoroughness}

      • N1


      I intend to believe in my theory to the last, persistently and thoroughly. {to the last, persistency, thoroughness}

      • N1


      Even the smartest student in the grade should adhere to the school rules to the last. {to the last, persistency, thoroughness}

      • N1


      As an athlete, even when the odds of winning are slim, one should fight to the last with persistency and thoroughness. {to the last, persistency, thoroughness}

      • N1


      Even though my mind is clouded with worries about regular exams and romance, the sky remains persistently blue. {to the last, persistency, thoroughness}

      • N1
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