Grammar Info

N4 Lesson 7: 17/18


To do (Humble)

It is more humble than お〜する


+ Verb[ます+ いたす
(1) + [する] Verb + いたす

(1) お, limited to [する]Verbs like: 電話(でんわ)する、勉強(べんきょう)する、散歩(さんぽ)する


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About いたす

いたす, or (いた) as it is often written, is a humble speech う-Verb, which refers to the actions of the speaker (or people within the speakers inner circle, like their company). Similarly to お〜する, いたす means 'to do'.
In the case of する verbs themselves, simply replace する with いたす. For other verbs, add いたす to the ます stem of the verb, while attaching お, or ご to the beginning (depending on whether it is a word of Japanese or Chinese origin).
  • (わたし)たち用意(ようい)いたします
    We will do the preparation.
  • コートこちら(あず)かりいたします
    We will look after your coats here.
  • こちらから連絡(れんらく)いたします
    We will contact you.
Words that include the kanji (はい) 'to worship', or 'to revere', do not usually require お, ご, or いたす. This is due to the word itself being 'respectful'.
  • (わたし)親戚(しんせき)(てら)拝観(はいけん)する
    I will look at my relatives' temple. (With utmost respect)
  • 先輩(せんぱい)から(かね)拝借(はいしゃく)する
    I will borrow money from my senpai. (With utmost respect)
Fun Fact
いたす is considered to be slightly more humble than お〜する, which means that it will be heard more frequently in advertisements, or being used by company employees.




    I will guide you.


    I will wait in front of the station.


    We are recruiting motivated people for a position of sales clerk!


    We will send the merchandise tomorrow.


    Shall I take your baggage?

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      いたす – Grammar Discussion

      Most Recent Replies (38 in total)

      • FlippFuzz


        I will wait in front of the station.

        Bunpro’s answer:お待ちいたします
        My answer:おまちしました (marked as wrong)

        What tells you that you need to use いたす instead of お〜する?

        Edit: Nevermind. I figured out.
        I got the tense wrong. I was using the past tense when the question wanted the present tense.
        If you submit “おまちします”, you will get “Can you try a grammar structure that is used as a part of humble speech?”, which should hint that you need to use いたす.

      • FlippFuzz



        This train will depart in 5 minutes. Please, be careful.

        A very humble expression that highlights your own actions, or those of your in-group.

        Why is the answer 出発いたします and not ご出発いたします?

        According to いたす (JLPT N4) | Bunpro, it says “ご(1) + [する] Verb + いたします”
        So, I was expecting the answer to be ご出発いたします.

      • Fuga


        Hey @FlippFuzz !

        ご/お is usually used with いたす when you want to express that you are putting yourself in a lower position to do something for another person. For example, if someone says that they will ご説明いたす something, it has the nuance of ‘(I am going to put myself in a lower position and) I will respectfully explain’. Since the train leaving, 出発いたす, is not an action you are doing for another person (in this context), it will sound a bit unnatural to use お/ご before it!

        I hope this helps!

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