Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 9: 4/23


And, As well as


Noun + および


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About および

(およ) is a word that functions as a conjunction meaning 'and' or 'as well as', but is originally the conjunctive form of (およ)ぶ, an う-Verb meaning 'to reach (A)', or 'to extend to (A)'. Although it is frequently translated simply as 'and', (およ) is a grammar pattern that more literally reflects the meaning of the base verb 'to extend to (A)'.
Being a conjunction, (およ) will primarily appear at the beginning of a second clause of a sentence, or directly following a noun that something else is 'in addition to'.
  • 免許書(めんきょしょう)(およ)印鑑(いんかん)()ってきてください。
    Please bring your driver's license and seal.
  • 学校(がっこう)説明会(せつめいかい)参加(さんか)されたい(かた)(およ)体験(たいけん)入学(にゅうがく)をされたい(かた)は8()から5()(あいだ)にこちらの電話番号(でんわばんごう)までお電話(でんわ)をください。
    If you would like to participate in a school information session and enroll in a trial lesson, please call this number between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
  • 夕食(ゆうしょく)(およ)朝食(ちょうしょく)別料金(べつりょうきん)になります。
    Dinner and breakfast are charged separately.
  • 帽子(ぼうし)(およ)メガネは(はず)してください。
    Hats and glasses must be removed.
As (およ) is considered a formal structure, it will primarily appear in documents, articles, and notifications.
  • 当店(とうてん)定休日(ていきゅうび)月曜日(げつようび)(およ)水曜日(すいようび)となっています。
    We are closed on Mondays as well as Wednesdays.




    Notification: 'Seminar about job-hunting and starting a business for university students.'


    Matters related to refunds and customer support.


    From the constitution: 'The state guarantees freedom of conscience and religious liberty.'


    Please show me things like your notebook and your diary.


    Please refrain from contacting the Ryokan as well as the hotel.

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