Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 4: 5/21

かなりQuite, Considerably, Pretty, Fairly


かなり + Phrase
かなり + + Noun


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About かなり

かなり is an adverb that is used to convey a 'considerable' amount of something. It is often translated as 'quite', 'fairly', 'considerably', or 'pretty'. かなり will almost always appear directly before a phrase, or directly before a noun (in which case の will come between the noun and かなり).

Fun Fact

かなり originally came from 可也(かなり), and more recently 可成(かなり). Both of these expressions mean something similar to 'to become undeniable', with the former structure using an older kanji for 'to become' (なり). かなり is still used this way today, highlighting that the amount/existence of something has reached a point that cannot be denied. かなり may be seen with this meaning when carrying either positive and negative connotations.




    Chat between friends, after looking at the map: 'This place is quite far away, isn't it?'


    Company president: 'Let's adopt the new system.'
    Company employee: 'Understood. However, it seems to be quite expensive.'


    Transport company, worker 1: 'Well then, let's quickly load it on the truck.'
    Worker 2: 'But it is quite heavy…'


    Bunpou-chan: 'I think that User-san's Japanese is of quite a high level.'


    Employees gossiping: 'I heard that the vice-director is a gentle grandpa who is sweet to his grandchild at home. He doesn't look like that though, right? Because he is fairly strict at the company.'

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