Phrase + かどうか + Noun + によって違う(1)
WH-Word + A(2) + かは + Noun + によって違う(1)
A(2)か + B(2)かは + Noun + によって違う(1)
(1) による
(2) [い]Adjective、[な]Adjective、Verb、Noun
About 〜かは〜によって違う
~かは~によって違う is an expression in Japanese that appears quite complex at first, but is actually quite simple when broken down into its parts. かは is a combination of the case marking particle か in its role as a quotation, paired with the adverbial particle は, highlighting the topic of the sentence. Together these can be translated as 'whether (A)'.
によって違う is made up of the case marking particle に (highlighting a location), the て form of よる (a う - Verb), followed by 違う 'to differ', (another う - Verb).
All together, this can be translated as '(A) depends on (B)'. More accurately though, the meaning is 'whether (A) will differ depending on (B)'. かは is regularly used after an entire phrase, followed by a noun and then によって違う.
Alternatively, かどうか may be used instead of かは. This changes the nuance from 'whether (A)', to 'whether or not (A)'. When translated directly, かどうか is quite similar to 'whether (A) or however'.
Finally, this expression may also be seen without 違う. In a sentence like this, 'differs' is simply removed, becoming 'whether (A) will depend on (B)'. As conjugation between the verbs is no longer required, によって will become による.
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Whether the sea is deep or not differs depending on location, right?
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〜かは〜によって違う – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (4 in total)
depends on
changes depending on
differ depending onStructure
- A + かどうか + Noun + によって違う / による
- WHword + A + か + Noun + によって違う / による
- A か + B か + Noun + によって違う / による
Where A and B are adjectives,verbs,etc.
[AかはBによって違う is used to express that A varies depending on B]
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@Pushindawood, @mrnoone, I would recommend changing WHword into WH-word. I personally didn’t know what a whword was and thought it was a typo until I just looked it up and discovered it corresponded to wh-type words like who, what, where, when, and why.
I have changed it according to the suggestion!
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