Grammar Info

N5 Lesson 1: 5/12


Although uncommon, its kanji can be seen as 此れ


Demonstrative noun


  • Part of Speech


  • Word Type


  • Register


  • Rare Kanji


About これ

これ is often thought to be equal to 'this' in English, which is basically correct. これ will always be used to highlight something that is close to the speaker either emotionally, or physically.

Despite being translated as a 'pronoun' in English, it might be easier to think of これ as a substitute noun (the literal meaning in Japanese), as this is always its function. これ substitutes for something that has its own name, but is not required in the context of the sentence, or is simply unknown by the speaker.




    This is a pen.


    This is a book.


    This is sushi.


    This is also sushi.


    This is the sea.

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これ – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (5 in total)

  • Fach


    In this sentence, how would i know to replace which kore by “it”. Can I just say いいです?

  • Scyamntic


    Edit: lol I misread “steak” as 素敵(すてき)

    Ok breaking it down now that I’ve remembered how to read:

    これはステーキです = This thing is steak

    • abstract demonstrative, Imagine you were in a room full of Martians teaching them about what a steak is on a big PowerPoint slide

    これはいいです = This is good

    • value judgement about some “thing”

    If you are trying to say:

    “This is a good steak”

    • このステーキはいいです
    • これはいいステーキです

    The difference can be thought of as being:

    • This steak is good (leans towards judgment)
    • This (thing) is a good steak (leans towards description)

    I hope all that is relatively clear

    Now to your question, simply saying いいです in many cases indicates that you are “positively confirming”. This is the same as saying “dope”, “sounds good”, “that’s fine” etc in English.

    You are correct that you can drop t...

  • MOA_304


    I would suppose you could use です since it’s technically polite and goes at the end of a sentence to say “it”. It also seems like an appropriate substitute since it would be the only option left (because you can’t use だ).

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