Verb + だけまし + だ
[い]Adjective + だけまし + だ
[な]Adjective + な + だけまし + だ
Noun + である + だけまし + だ
About だけましだ
だけましだ is a set phrase indicating that 'at least (A)', or that 'one should feel grateful for (A)'. This expression is often used in cases where the overall situation is negative, but it is still better than the alternative. This structure is a combination of the particle だけ 'only', and the な-Adjective 増し, meaning 'better', or 'preferable'. Originally, まし is just the conjunctive form of 増す, an う-Verb meaning to grow or increase (like 増える). Due to this, the literal meaning is 'even just (A) is a plus, compared to what could have occured'.
だけましだ will be used primarily after verbs, い-Adjectives, or な-Adjectives followed by な.
In the vast majority of cases, まし will simply be written in hiragana, or even katakana as マシ. The katakana version often further emphasizes that one should be grateful for (A).
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I can't say that I feasted, but at least I had something to eat.
The school building is old, but at least it has air conditioning.
Since such a big accident occured, you should be grateful that you are still alive.
A robber broke in, but I should be grateful that the safe is intact.
Even if there are no skilled staff, there are at least some kouhai in the department.
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だけましだ – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (3 in total)
at least
it’s better than…
one should feel grateful forStructure
- Verb + だけましだ
- いAdj + だけましだ
- なAdj・な + だけましだ
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Can someone explain the form of the verb 振 in this sentence?
彼はやり方が強引だが、暴力を振るわない だけましです 。
I don’t understand 振るわない.
…Maybe it should be は?
If it is, is it being used like this, “at least”?
@FredKore Hey! In this case, 振るう is a verb meaning “to exercise,” “to wield,” “to exhibit,” or “to display” violence. So, this example sentence is probably closer to “You should be glad that he does not exhibit violence in his (overbearing) way of doing things.” Cheers!
Oh!! I was thinking 振る. What a weird verb. Good vocab word though.
Thanks for the explanation!
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