Grammar Info

N1 Lesson 3: 9/17


Things like, And so on, Or something, And whatnot


A(1) + だの + B(1) + だの
A(1) + だの + (なん)だの

(1) Noun、Quotation


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About だの

Although originally a combination of the auxiliary verb だ, and the case-marking particle の, だの is considered to be a standalone adverbial particle in modern Japanese that is used in the same way as structures like など and とか in presenting examples. Due to this, it will often be translated as 'and things like (A)', or '(A) and whatnot'.
だの will only be used when at least two examples are given, with each of those examples being followed by だの. Usually, these two things are either opposites of each other, or two things that share the same negative trait.
だの may appear after verbs, い-Adjectives, nouns, or quotations.
  • (かれ)仕事(しごと)はやめるだの家事(かじ)手伝(てつだ)わないだの本当(ほんとう)自分(じぶん)以外(いがい)のことは(なに)(かんが)えていない。
    He does things such as quit work, and not help with chores and so on. He really does not think about anyone other than himself.
  • この建物(たてもの)(きたな)だの(あぶ)ないだの近所(きんじょ)(ひと)()われていたので解体(かいたい)されるらしい。
    The neighbor has been saying that this building is dirty, dangerous and what not so apparently it is going to get demolished.
  • ()(もの)だのコンビニ弁当(べんとう)だのばかり()べてると、また健康(けんこう)診断(しんだん)(とき)先生(せんせい)(おこ)られるよ。
    If you only eat things like fried food, convenience store food and what not, you are going to get told off by your doctor again at the next check-up.
  • (つま)大嫌(だいきら)だの(きら)だの毎日(まいにち)()ってくるから(かな)しくなってきた。
    My wife tells me that she hates me and dislikes me and what not everyday so I am starting to feel sad.
  • (かれ)は「(いや)だの大変(たいへん)だの(なに)かをやる(まえ)から弱音(よわね)()くから、一緒(いっしょ)にいるとこっちまで仕事(しごと)をしたくなくなる。
    He only says things like 'No' and 'impossible' even before trying anything, so it even makes me not want to work.
In situations where the words that だの is attached to are opposites, it will be exhibiting a large range to which the same rule applies. However when the words are similar, it is usually expressing things within that specific category as being undesirable. Because of this, regardless of what the words are, the overall statement itself aims to emphasize the speaker's feelings of frustration or boredom in relation to things that fall under that category, or that scope.
  • そんなに()だの(きら)だの()うんだったら明日(あした)から自分(じぶん)でご(はん)(つく)りな。
    If you are going to say things like 'I like this', 'I don't like this', and things like that, why don't you start making your own food starting tomorrow? (Opposite ends of a spectrum)
  • あの新入社員(しんにゅうしゃいん)はつらいだの面倒(めんどう)だの理由(りゆう)会社(かいしゃ)入社(にゅうしゃ)して二週間(にしゅうかん)でやめた。
    That newbie said things like 'this is too much', and 'this is a pain' and gave a reason similar to that and ended up quitting after 2 weeks of working with us. (Both negative)




    Hina only complains that 'it smells' or 'it's awful' and so on.


    A person that hates ramen and curry: 'People who like things like ramen, curry, and so on are people who don't understand what taste is.'


    Friend1 complains to friend2: 'Recently we are doing nothing but shooting the breeze (chatting) and whatnot, but there is no one that will actually develop a new product.'


    Every time he loses a game, he just gives excuses things like 'there's a bad connection' or 'the other players are cheating' and whatnot.


    He always talks nonsense about 'being responsible' and so on, but when it comes time to take responsibility he is the first to run.

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