Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 3: 20/22

ちゃんとProperly, Neatly, Orderly, Sufficiently, Decently


ちゃん(1) + Phrase
ちゃん(1) + した + Noun
ちゃん(1) + している

(1) きちん


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About ちゃんと・きちんと

In Japanese, two 副詞(ふくし) (adverbs) that are used to express very similar ideas are ちゃんと, and きちんと. These words may be used either at the beginning of a sentence (to modify the meaning of the whole sentence), or before verbs. ちゃんと and きちんと both translate quite closely to 'properly', or 'neatly'.

Fun Fact

Historically, ちゃんと was also used to convey 'quickly'. However, it is almost never used for this purpose in modern Japanese. Despite this, both ちゃんと and きちんと do have a slight nuance of doing something 'without dawdling'. This can mostly be attributed to the base meaning of 'properly' also implying that something is not done lazily.

  • 社長(しゃちょう)()たぞ。ちゃんと()て。
    The CEO is here. Stand up, quick! (Stand up now, quickly, don't slouch)
  • (あそ)()(まえ)きちんと部屋(へや)掃除(そうじ)なさい
    You have to clean your room properly before you go out and play.




    Wife: 'I don't know if I have properly turned the gas off (or not).'
    Husband: 'Don't worry, I have properly turned it off.'

    部下(ぶか):「はい! わかりました、次長(じちょう)!」

    Gentle vice-director: 'It's lunch, so take a proper break.'
    Subordinate: 'Yes! Understood, vice-director!'


    Chat between friends: 'If you have done something wrong, you are supposed to apologize properly!'


    Mother speaking to her child: 'Clean your room properly before grandma comes!'


    Chat between adults, praising a child: 'This child behaves properly, don't they.' (has good manners)

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  • Ambo100


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