Phrase + と + (も) + 言える + だろう
Phrase + と + (も) + いえ よう
About と言える
と言える is a common expression that utilizes the potential form of the verb 言う 'to say', to highlight that it is possible for something to be said. This phrase is often used to express a general idea about something that the speaker believes to be correct. と言える translates as 'it is fair to say (A)', or 'one could say (A)'.
As the case marking particle と is being used in its 引用 (citation) use, と言える may follow any direct phrase/statement.
と言える is regularly seen paired with grammar patterns like だろう, or でしょう. This makes the overall statement more friendly, by considering the listener's thoughts about the issue being presented. と言えるだろう can simply be translated as 'can we not say (A)?', or '(A) can be said, right?'.
When the potential form of 言う is linked with the auxiliary verb よう, it creates a much stronger phrase that is similar to 'let it be said that (A)'.
Fun Fact
The speaker is usually relatively confident about their statement when using と言える, but the usage of a form that expresses conjecture shows that they are open to the possibility of being wrong, thus softening the tone.
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One could say that they got to the finish line at the same time.
Boats are not as fast as planes are, but it is still fair to say that a lot of people enjoy trips by boat.
You can probably say that the inventors were labeled as 'eccentrics' by the common folk.
It is fair to say that life is getting easier due to (the advent of) computers in the 20th century.
One could say that this manifesto is one of the opinions about the current state of the natural environment.
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