Verb[stem]+ つ + (Antonym) Verb[stem]+ つ
Verb[stem]+ つ + (Antonym) Verb[stem]+ つ + の + Noun
Verb[stem]+ つ + Verb[られる]ーる + つ
Verb[stem]+ つ + Verb[られる]ーる + つ + の + Noun
行きつ戻りつ - going back and forth
浮きつ沈みつ - rising and falling (bobbing)
見えつ隠れつ - coming in and out of sight
とつおいつ (from 取りつ置きつ) - wavering between
矯めつ眇めつ - taking a good look
組んず解れつ - struggling with
抜きつ抜かれつ - neck-and-neck
持ちつ持たれつ - give-and-take
押しつ押されつ - pull and be pulled
追いつ追われつ - lead changing many times
差しつ差されつ - taking turns filling cups
About つ〜つ
つ is a conjunction particle in Japanese that is used in constructions where it will appear twice, highlighting contrasting verbs. This つ~つ structure is often translated as 'to be doing (A) and (B) over and over', where the actions are happening repeatedly one after the other.
つ will connect to the conjunctive form of verbs, with (A) and (B) generally appearing in direct sequence.
Additionally, it is also quite common to see the same verb being repeated in both places. When this happens, the (A) verb will be in the standard form, while the (B) verb will be in the passive form. This just translates as 'to do (A) and to have (A) done to oneself'.
This grammar pattern is only used with a limited set of words in modern Japanese. Here is a list of some standard combinations.
行きつ戻りつ - To go back and forth.
浮きつ沈みつ - To surface and submerge (to bob).
見えつ隠れつ - To go in and our of sight.
とつおいつ (from 取りつ置きつ) - To waver between.
矯めつ眇めつ - To take a good look.
組んず解れつ - To intertwine and release (to grapple).
抜きつ抜かれつ - To pull away and be pulled away from (to be neck and neck).
持ちつ持たれつ - To have and to be held (to give and take).
押しつ押されつ - To press and be pressed.
追いつ追われつ - To overtake and be overtaken.
差しつ差されつ - To pour and be poured (to take turns exchanging drinks).
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Ants and aphids have a give-and-take relationship.
I managed to get there somehow by pushing and being pushed.
After some time, he finally decided to go inside after nervously going back and forth in front of the door.
The old man enjoyed the smell of the sea while watching the sinking and rising (bobbing) twig.
Takumi Fujiwara, Kyoichi Sudo, and many other famous drivers put on a neck and neck race. (back and forth)
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つ〜つ – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (1 in total)
two contrasting actions
- Verb[stem] + つ + Verb Antonym[stem] + つ (+ の + Noun)
- Verb[stem] + つ + Verb[passive stem] + つ (+ の + Noun)
行き つ 戻り つ - going back and forth
浮き つ 沈み つ - rising and falling (bobbing)
見え つ 隠れ つ - coming in and out of sight
と つ おい つ (from 取り つ 置き つ ) - wavering between
矯め つ 眇め つ - taking a good look
組んず解れ つ - struggling with
抜き つ 抜かれ つ - neck-and-neck
持ち つ 持たれ つ - give-and-take
押し つ 押され つ - ...wrt7MameLZE33wlmpCAV
I noticed that くんずほぐれつ is spelled with ず instead of つ. While the only verb on the list that would fall into this category is 組む, so it’s hard to tell, is it correct to infer that ぬ・む verbs exhibit this as a form of 連濁? I’m not sure whether ぐ verbs would be similarly affected or if they would follow く and take つ.
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