Grammar Info

N1 Lesson 2: 2/17

~てからと()うものAfter, Since, Ever since then


Verb[て] + から + いうもの
Phrase (A)。 それから + いうもの + Phrase (B)


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About てからというもの

てからというもの is an extension of the grammar point てから meaning 'after (A)', and partners と()う 'that which is' with もの 'thing'. It is often translated as 'ever since (A)', and will always express a new state of (B) that has been ongoing since (A). Although the literal translation is 'with that which was from (A)', the fact that (B) is ongoing is simply implied.

As with てから, this structure will be seen following verbs in their て-form.

Although not quite as common, からというもの may be seen following それ, when それ is at the beginning of a new sentence. In these cases, それ will linked to what was stated in the previous sentence.


As this phrase implicitly highlights something that has remained ongoing ever since (A), it will not be used when (A) is something that only happened in the very recent past. However, because length of time is subjective, it usually depends on what is considered 'long' based on any specific outcome.




    Ever since the baby was born, I have come to take my job more seriously.


    Ever since I almost drowned, I started learning how to swim.


    Tweet: 'Ever since my daughter was born, I haven't been able to get a good night's sleep one single day.'


    Ever since watching the launch of SpaceX's falcon heavy, I cannot stop thinking about space.


    Since my best friend commited suicide due to depression, I have constantly been studying psychology, and had the dream of wanting to become a counselor.

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てからというもの – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (1 in total)

  • Pushindawood


    ever since then


    • Verb[て] + からというもの
      Phrase 1. それ からというもの 、Phrase 2

    [Aてからというもの、Used to express a big change starting at A, and lasting from that point forward]

    View on Bunpro

  • megatron0000


    Hello! Passing by no notify that the “N1 Study Hub” blog (first reference link) does not exist anymore

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