(それ )+ では(1) + Phrase
(1) じゃあ、じゃ
About では・それでは・じゃあ
では and じゃあ are both abbreviations of それでは, and used as conjunctions in Japanese. This structure may be considered as a combination of それ, the case marking particle で, and the binding (adverbial) particle は, but is commonly treated as a single word.
それでは has two primary functions. It can be used to continue in the same topic, showing that '(B) is a result of (A)'. Or it may be used to change the conversation topic completely, showing that '(A) is at a good point to become (B)'. In each of these cases, it can be translated as 'and with that' in English. 'If so', 'well then', and 'in that case' are also common translations.
The translation of 'in that case' is most commonly used when one person is making an assumption/drawing a conclusion about something that someone else has just said.
Fun Fact
それでは, では, and じゃあ are also frequently used as a polite way to say 'goodbye'. In these situations, it comes across in a similar way to 'well…. I best be off' in English.
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Well, let's meet again next Tuesday.
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では・それでは・じゃあ – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (5 in total)
English translation:
Well then
In that caseStructure:
では + Phrase
それでは + Phrase
じゃあ + PhraseView on Bunpro
Could there be notes added to the grammar page detailing the differences between では・それでは・じゃあ? I’m guessing it’s just a matter of formality, but it would be good to have confirmation on the page.
Hey and sorry for the late answer
You are right! The difference comes to formality.
それでは and its contraction では have the same level of formality and are used in formal writing, formal/polite speech.
In casual language, それじゃあ、それじゃ、じゃあ and じゃ are used instead.
I will add this information to the grammar point!
Thank you
Still not all that clear on the grammar page on the different levels. It lists those like you say, but I had the following:
それじゃ was listed as too casual, but it accepted じゃあDaru
That’s because じゃあ is a tad more formal than それじゃ!
Just came to this point and it brought back some memories.
I’m an ALT. A homeroom teacher I worked with a couple of years ago had her own unique way of saying this (at least I’ve never heard anyone else say it):
She must’ve said it at least half a dozen times every lesson and I and the students would lightly tease her about it (all in good fun). It definitely rubbed off though and I find myself saying it occasionally
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