Grammar Info

N1 Lesson 5: 14/17


Since...(it is no wonder that), Because...(it is no wonder that), Due to...(it is no wonder that)


Verb + とあって
[い]Adjective + とあって
[な]Adjective + ()+ とあって
Noun + ()+ とあって


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About とあって

とあって is a formal grammar expression that combines the case marking particle と with the て-form of ある 'to be'. It is used to present an unusual situation from which an obvious result will or has occurred. It is often translated as 'since (A), it is no wonder that (B)', or 'because of (A), it's natural that (B)'.
とあって is usually seen following almost any word in their standard forms, but な-Adjectives will require a だ to come between them and とあって.
  • あのグループの卒業(そつぎょう)ライブが(おこな)われるとあって、この会場(かいじょう)大勢(おおぜい)のファンで(あふ)れている。
    Since a farewell concert of that group is about to take place, this venue is filled with a large number of fans.
  • 北海道(ほっかいどう)(なつ)(あいだ)でも(すず)しいとあって(ふゆ)(あいだ)だけでなく(なつ)にも(おお)くの観光客(かんこうきゃく)(おとず)れるらしい。
    I heard that Hokkaido attracts many tourists not only during winter, but also summer since it is cool there even during the summer months.
  • あの(まち)便利(べんり)とあって土地(とち)値段(ねだん)(たか)い。
    Since that city is convenient, the price of land is expensive.
  • (ぼん)最終日(さいしゅうび)とあって高速道路(こうそくどうろ)だけでなく、下道(したみち)もものすごく()んでいる。
    Both the toll free road and the expressway are extremely crowded since it is the last day of Obon.
This construction can be thought of as similar to として 'as', but with focus more on 'what (A) is or is viewed as', emphasized through ある, rather than 'how (A) conducts itself or is conducted', emphasized through する.
とあって is only used objectively, and will not refer to the speaker or writer themselves.
  • (わたし)はハンサムとあって友達(ともだち)(つく)りやすい。
    Since I am handsome, it is easy to make friends. (Unnatural Japanese)




    Article: 'Since it is the only restaurant in this city where one can eat Italian cuisine, (it is no wonder that) it naturally became very popular.'


    Article: 'Since even winters in Okinawa are mild compared to other parts of Japan, (it is no wonder that) it is visited by many people from all over the country not only in summer but all year round.'

    ニュースサイト:「 気軽(きがる)鹿(しか)などの野生動物(やせいどうぶつ)撮影(さつえい)できるとあって大変(たいへん)人気(にんき)撮影(さつえい)スポットの(ひと)つになっています。」

    News site: 'Since one can easily photograph wild animals such as deer, (it is no wonder that) it has become one of the most popular photography spots.'


    News: 'Since it is the first day of the new year, (it is no wonder that) there are many people who have come to the shrine(s) for hatsumode to pay their respects and offer money.'


    News: 'Since it premiered in Japan, (it is no wonder that) many people of all ages gathered.'

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      とあって – Grammar Discussion

      Most Recent Replies (1 in total)

      • Bruinvis


        I understand that だけあって cannot be used with negative results, but in the sentence:


        It sees だけあって as an incorrect answer. Why is that? The result here is positive. I also wonder what the exact difference is between だけあって and とあって apart from the one I mentioned above.

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