Noun + と + 同じで
Noun + と + 違って
About と同じで・と違って
Two regular expressions that are used in Japanese for conveying similarity, and dissimilarity are と同じで 'the same as (A)', and と違って 'different to (A)'. While both of these structures use the case marking particle と to mark (A), 同じ is a noun, while 違って is the て form of the う - Verb, 違う. Due to this, the auxiliary verb だ is required after 同じ, in order to link (A) and (B). だ will appear in its conjunctive form.
Both と同じで and と違って will be preceded by a noun or noun phrase, before the (B) part of the sentence will describe the similarity/dissimilarity.
In this structure, as the conjunction particle て, has a similar role to the conjunctive form of だ (で), both expressions are simply stating that (B) is existing in a state of 'having sameness', or 'having difference' with (A).
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Unlike the president, the vice president is kind.
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と同じで and と違って
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と同じで・と違って – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (1 in total)
English translation:
like・similar to
unlike・dissimilar toStructure:
Noun + と + 同じで
Noun + と + 違ってView on Bunpro
I’m not sure why these two constructs are crammed in the same grammar point, usually Bunpro doesn’t hesitate to use separate points for antonyms even when they’re just straight negation of the other (for instance はずだ/はずかない or わけだ/わけではない).
Given that here different vocabulary and different grammar is being used, I think it would make sense to practice these two construct separately.
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