Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 3: 13/22

()ってもAlthough ~ might say that ~


Verb + ()っても
[い]Adjective + ()っても
[な]Adjective + () + ()っても
Noun + () + ()っても


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About ~と言っても

As a construction that combines と()う (presenting the previous statement as a quotation) and ても, meaning 'even if (A)', or 'even though (A)', ()っても will mean 'even if I say (A)', or 'although I say (A)'. This expression is used when the speaker wants to highlight (A), but draw the listener's attention to (B), in order to clarify something.

This expression may be used after any word in almost any tense, due to the case marking particle と is being used in its quotation role. However, な-Adjectives and nouns will sometimes be followed by (although it is regularly omitted).

Fun Fact

()う is a う - Verb that focuses on what can be said about something, rather than specifically what one person is saying. Due to this, if no speaker is identified with が, then ()っても could mean 'although some might say (A)', or 'even though it is said that (A)'.




    Although I say that it is a present, it is nothing special.


    Even if someone says you are a genius, it is not an exaggeration.


    Although you may say 'sensei,' there are different people (types of sensei).


    Although you might say it is fun, soccer is more fun.


    Although I might say I want it, it is expensive and I can't buy it for myself.

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~と言っても – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (9 in total)

  • mrnoone


    English translation:
    Although ~ might say that ~

    Noun (だ) + と言っても
    Verb + と言っても
    いAdj + と言っても
    なAdj + だ・ と言っても

    [Aと言ってもB - although someone might say/said A(it is not a whole picture), it is B to be clear]

    View on Bunpro

  • Johnathan-Weir


    Why are there two version of this?

  • mrnoone


    No reason in particular, one will be eventually replaced with another grammar point.

  • Ambo100


    Hopefully soon as it’s quite confusing to only find half the resources in another lesson later.

    Also I find this Youtube channel is really helpful so please consider adding more to Bunpro.

  • Cawotte


    Hello! I just wanted to point out this grammar point is duplicated in the N3 lessons.

  • mrnoone



    Hey and thank you!
    We are aware of the issue and will do something with it soon


  • febLey



    I just realized that this grammar point is missing from the Tobira path, although it lists Tobira page 219 under ressources. It should be right before the last item (思うように) in Chapter 9.

  • Pablunpro



    I was studying this lesson (N3 lesson 3: 13/22 nowadays), and found that ‘何と言ってもなんといっても’ is a set expression with its own meaning: after all is said and done; no matter what people say; in the end.

    Could it be included as a Fun Fact at the end of the lesson, as it seems a quite useful expression?

    Thank you so much for your consideration.

  • pzarzuela


    Hi, this is my first time using this and i’m very glad to found it. ^-^

    I have a question about the second example in this grammar point.


    I think that this “食べれる” might be “食べられる”, but i’m not really sure. I don’t know if it is possible to say this in informal context.

    PD: sorry for my English mistakes :S

  • Pablunpro



    It is indeed the potential form of the ichidan verb 食べる, 食べられる.

    However, you can find it as 食べれる due to a practice called ら抜き(言葉), pulling out ら.

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