Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 3: 9/23


Still, Even, Yet


なお + Verb[ている]
なお + Nounいる
なお + Nounある
なお + Noun + (1)

(1) である


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About なお①

When used at the beginning of a statement, the adverb (なお) 'furthermore' will often carry the meaning of 'still', 'even', or 'yet'. This use is regularly seen after the previous statement ends in も, and will emphasize that 'even after (A)', or 'even though (A) is a fact, (B) is still true'. Especially when the information expressed in the (B) part of the sentence is surprising or shocking in some way.
This structure will almost always appear without the kanji being used. Additionally, the (B) part of statements that include (なお) will also frequently include も, in order to specify that the new information is 'in addition to (A)'.
  • 上司(じょうし)のパワハラを人事(じんじ)報告(ほうこく)してもなお上司(じょうし)のパワハラが(つづ)いている。
    Even after reporting my boss to human resources for power harassment, his harassment is still continuing.
  • (かれ)先生(せんせい)注意(ちゅうい)されてもなお指摘(してき)された(こと)(なお)そうとしない。
    He still refuses to fix what was pointed out to him, even after being warned by his teacher.
  • 豊橋市(とよはしし)では(いま)なおチンチン電車(でんしゃ)(はし)っている。
    Trams are still running in Toyohashi-city.
  • 浜崎(はまさき)先生(せんせい)卒業後(そつぎょうご)なお(わたし)たちの(こと)をしっかりと(おぼ)えている。
    Mr. Hamasaki still remembers us even after graduation.
(いま)もなお has come to be used as a set phase, and may be heard in may different situations. Despite this, (なお) itself is quite a formal grammar structure.




    Steam locomotives are still used in areas where there is no electricity.


    The disappearance of Amelia Earhart is still a mystery.


    A certain ryokan is still managed by one family since 718. It seems it will continue like that in the future.


    Even after continuously discussing the problem, a solution has yet to present itself.


    Apparently there are hospitals that are so popular that even after being released, people still come to visit.

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