Verb +(だけ)にすぎない
[い]Adjective +(だけ)にすぎない
[な]Adjective +(なだけ)にすぎない
Noun +(だけ)にすぎない
About にすぎない
にすぎない is a common structure in Japanese used for indicating that something is 'no more than (A)', or 'merely (A)'. This expression is constructed from に, and the negated form of the る-Verb 過ぎる, meaning 'to exceed', or 'to be more than'. Due to this, the literal translation of 'to not be more than (A)' reflects the English interpretations closely.
にすぎない is slightly formal, but is heard fairly often in day-to-day speech as well. This grammar pattern may be used after verbs in any of their standard forms, い-Adjectives, な-Adjectives, or nouns.
にすぎない is often seen paired with structures that will emphasize the phrase even further, such as ただ 'merely' or だけ 'just'. In the case of だけ, it will come between the target word and にすぎない. Also, standard conjugation rules will need to be remembered, such as adding な after a な-Adjective before だけ.
にすぎない may occasionally appear in set phrases, such as 氷山の一角にすぎない, which means 'to merely be the tip of the iceberg'.
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You are nothing more than a student.
If you don't act, then that is nothing more than talk.
It is just bad luck. (nothing more than)
Since I have an interest/stake in it, I am merely being kind. (nothing more than)
I said, 'Let's drink sometime,' but that is no more than social etiquette.
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にすぎない – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (1 in total)
no more than
- Verb(だけ) + にすぎない
- Noun + にすぎない
- いAdj・だけ + にすぎない
- なAdj・な・だけ + にすぎない
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Would だけ or ばかり not be acceptable synonyms for this grammar point? If not, can someone explain the difference in usage? Thank you!
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