Grammar Info

N1 Lesson 4: 9/17


No need to/for, Cannot, Not worth it to, Not suitable

With する-Verbs, する can be omitted


Verb + には(1) + あたらない



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About には当たらない

には()たらない is a somewhat formal pattern used in Japanese for indicating that something is 'not worth (A)', or that there is 'no need to (A)'. This is a combination of the case marking particle に, the adverbial particle は, and the negative form of the う-Verb ()たる 'to strike', or 'to be on the mark', ()たらない. Due to this, the literal meaning can be thought of as 'it's not on the mark to (A)'.
には()たらない will appear directly after verbs in their dictionary form, or する verbs either with or without the する.
  • (かれ)がまた彼女(かのじょ)()られたの。まあ、あいつは自分(じぶん)のことしか(かんが)えていないから(おどろ)には()たらない
    He was dumped by his girlfriend again? Well, that's not surprising because that guy only ever thinks of himself.
  • (ひと)として(わた)たり(まえ)のことをやったまでです、感謝(かんしゃ)するには()たらないですよ。
    I just did what any normal person would do, so no need to thank me.
  • あの(ひと)がやったことは人間(ひんげん)としては最低(さいてい)だけど犯罪(はんざい)には()たらないから(なに)もできない。
    What that person did was despicable, but not suitable to be a crime, so we cannot do anything about it.
Additionally, the は may occasionally be omitted, without any change in meaning.
  • あのバンドが(あたら)しくリリースした(きょく)歌詞(かし)もメロディーも微妙(びみょう)だから()()たらないらしい。
    They say that the newly released song by that band is not worth listening to because the lyrics and melodies are too subtle.
Rather than implying that something is 'way off', には()たらない most often simply highlights that a particular situation is not to the extent where (A) would be appropriate. (A) itself is regularly a verb that relates to reactions or feelings. Some examples include (おどろ)く 'to be surprised', 非難(ひなん) 'to reproach', 称賛(しょうさん) 'to admire', 感心(かんしん) 'to be impressed', (よろこ)ぶ 'to rejoice', and other similar words.




    Kagura: 'Gin-chan was bitten by a dog yesterday. Poor guy…'
    Shinpachi: 'No need to take pity on him. He always provokes dogs.'


    'It is not uncommon. No need for praise.'


    Mother speaking to son about her friend's son: 'I heard that Sakamoto passed the exam at the top of his class.'
    Son: 'It's only natural for someone who has studied English for many years. No need to be so surprised.'


    Company employee1: 'Mr. Tanaka has a poor working attitude, doesn't he?'
    Company employee2: 'But he is always doing his best, so even if he is a bit undisciplined, there's no need to criticize him.'


    'Tuberculosis is not something you need to worry about if the person in question is vaccinated and healthy.'

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