Grammar Info

N1 Lesson 4: 10/17

ものと(おも)Think that, Believe that, Expect that, Have confidence that, Absolutely


Verb + もの(おも)
[い]Adjective + もの(おも)
[な]Adjective + + もの(おも)
Noun + + もの(おも)


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About ものと思う

(もの)(おも) is made up of the noun (もの) 'thing', the case marking particle と, and the う-Verb (おも)う 'to think'. Regular translations include 'to believe that (A)', or 'to have confidence that (A)'. In a broader sense, this grammar pattern is just making use of one of the meanings of (もの) as being something abstract that the speaker can reliably determine has all of the qualities of something concrete.

As もの is a noun, this pattern may follow any word in its attributive form.

When (おも)う appears in the past tense, the most common translation is 'as I had believed was true of (A)', or 'I was under the impression that (A)'.

Although this grammar construction is slightly formal, it may occasionally be heard in daily speech.




    Salesman to a client: 'I am confident that you will be satisfied with the quality of the product.'


    'I think that if we make Mr. Kanie the manager, the theme park will surely be successful.'


    Yoshino: 'Bunnies do not lay eggs…'
    Shidou: 'But I think that a lot of people think that they do.'


    Employee talks to the boss: 'I think that the courier will come today as promised, but I will call him and see just to be safe.'


    Minister of Finance: 'About this matter, I expect that the cooperation of the government and the industry will eventually bear fruit.'

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      ものと思う – Grammar Discussion

      Most Recent Replies (2 in total)

      • Pushindawood


        think that
        believe that
        expect that
        have confidence that


        • Phrase + ものと思う

        [Aものと思う is a formal expression used when one believes A to be the case]

        View on Bunpro

      • matt_in_mito


        Does anyone have any ideas as to why there is no だ preceding the と思う in this grammar point?

      • mrnoone


        Sorry for the late answer

        Sometimes is used after もの. I think it might just depends on person.

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