Grammar Info

N1 Lesson 1: 1/17

(いた)るまで(Everything), From…up until..., Starting with...ending with...


(Noun (A) + から(1))+ Noun (B) + (いた)まで
(Noun (A) + から(1))+ Noun (B) + (いた)まで + + Noun (C)

(1) より


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About に至るまで

(いた)る is an う-Verb which can be roughly translated as 'to attain (A)', or 'to reach the climax of (A)'. This verb is seen in several different grammar structures that all basically highlight that some extreme or unexpected extent is being reached. When paired with に and まで, (いた)るまで is often interpreted as 'everything from (A) to (B)'.

Comparative statements such as から or より frequently come directly after (A), while (いた)るまで will come directly after (B). This marks (B) as the 'extreme' extent. Both (A) and (B) will either be nouns or noun phrases.

The 'to reach a climax' meaning of (いた)る itself can be used as an indicator that grammar points that use this verb all indicate some kind of exceptionally wide range between (A) and (B). Due to this, (いた)るまで can be thought of as simply a strong emphasis of まで by itself, which also marks an extent.




    Nishima-san held various positions, from a bartender to a president of a large company.


    Nowadays, CPUs can be found in various kinds of devices, from computers to toothbrushes, etc.


    All citizens are equal under the law, from the prime minister to an ordinary person.


    A shipwreck's logbook covering everything from the beginning of the voyage to the accident itself has been found.


    In Asia, Chopsticks have been used to eat for a long time, from long ago to the present.

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に至るまで – Grammar Discussion