Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 3: 16/23


There is nothing better than, It is the best, Would be the best


Verb + ()したことはない
[い]Adjective + ()したことはない
[な]Adjective + ()したことはない
Noun + ()したことはない


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About に越したことはない

Used to convey the meanings of 'there is nothing better than (A)', or '(A) would be the best', ()したことはない is a phrase that combines に, the past-tense form of ()す, an う-Verb meaning 'to cross over', or 'to surpass', こと, は, and ない. Literally, it means 'there is nothing beyond (A)', or 'nothing surpasses (A)'.
This structure will be seen with verbs, adjectives, and nouns in their standard forms.
  • 先輩(せんぱい)()()わせているなら、()()わせ時間(じかん)の10(ぷん)(まえ)()()したことはない
    If you are meeting a senpai, it is best to arrive 10 minutes before the meeting time.
  • (いえ)(ひろ)()した(こと)はないが、値段(ねだん)場所(ばしょ)大切(たいせつ)だ。
    There's nothing better than a spacious house, but the price and location are also important.
  • 部屋(へや)綺麗(きれい)である()した(こと)はないので、毎日(まいにち)掃除(そうじ)をしています。
    I clean my room every day because there's nothing better than a clean room.
  • 億万長者(おくまんちょうじゃ)である()した(こと)はない
    There is nothing better than being a billionaire.
()したことはない sentences generally present something positive, or some ideal outcome that is wished for.
Caution - It is also quite common to see ()したことはない following words that use ない. In these cases, rather than '(A) would be the best', the meaning simply changes to 'it would be best if not (A)'.
  • 災害(さいがい)()きない()した(こと)はない
    There is nothing better than a disaster not happening.
  • 映画(えいが)はつまらなくない()した(こと)はない
    There is nothing better than a movie not being boring.
  • テストは複雑(ふくざつ)ではない()した(こと)はない
    There is nothing better than a test that is not complicated.
  • こう()(とき)には一人(ひとり)()ではない()した(こと)はない
    At times like this, there is nothing better than not being an only child.




    There is nothing better than being able to leave the hospital after a long hospitalization.


    If you are aiming at learning a language, there is nothing better than starting as a child, however, there are also people who became fluent after getting older.


    In order to pass an exam, it would be best to memorize the whole textbook, but no one has that kind of time.


    There is nothing better than rising sales, but I must not sell forcibly.


    There is nothing better than having someone cheer for you, but I think they are overdoing it.

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