Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 2: 10/24

(もと)Under, Under the supervision of, On the basis of


Noun + もとで(1)

(1) もとに、もと


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About の下で

When the noun (もと) 'underneath' is combined with either of the case marking particles で or に, it will indicate that something is happening either under the influence, guidance, or basis of (A). (A) will be a noun that is connected to (もと) or に through the case-marking particle の.

In this grammar structure, (A) may mark either a specific person or some situation equally as naturally.

Occasionally, に or で will be able to be omitted in preference of a comma directly after (もと). This expression is considered quite formal, and the omission of the particle in favor of a comma will make it sound even more formal.


(もと) may be replaced with () attached directly to many different nouns, and still carry the same meaning. Examples of these are 統治下(とうちか) 'under the reign', 指揮下(しきか) 'under the direction', 影響下(えいきょうか) 'under the influence', 占領下(せんりょうか) 'under the occupation', 支配下(しはいか) 'under the control', and others.




    In order to battle with Vegika, Songotsu trained under King Kae.


    The three years that I worked under my uncle were special to me.


    This is an election on the basis of solid foundations, but that does not mean that it will be a walk in the park. (under)


    The experiments I performed under an excellent lecturer allowed me to master a number of skills.


    Because you trained under (while being held to) high standards, the rest of the work you do will be a breeze.

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      の下で – Grammar Discussion