Noun + はさておき(1)
Phrase + かどうか(2) + はさておき(1)
(1) はさておいて
(2) か
About はさておき・はさておいて
はさておき is an expression which is often translated as 'leaving aside (A)', or 'apart from (A)'. It is a combination of the adverbial particle は, the conjunction さて 'now' (moving on to a new thing), and the conjunctive form of 置く 'to place', or 'to leave', 置き. The more literal 'now putting aside (A)' may also be used.
This structure will be used when (A) is a topic that the speaker would like to move away from, in order to discuss something more important.
はさておき will primarily directly follow nouns.
However, it is also common to see はさておき following a phrase that ends with かどうか. This can be translated as 'disregarding whether it is (A) or not, (B)', and will imply that (B) is a more appropriate topic, so (A) should be moved on from.
さて may occasionally appear in either of the kanji forms 扨, or 扠. However, this is quite rare. 置く itself may also be replaced with 措く 'to set aside'.
Fun Fact
冗談はさておき is a set expression that has the meaning of 'jokes aside', or 'moving on to the serious business'.
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Jokes aside, we better get this meeting underway seriously.
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Putting aside the quality, the design of this product is better than anywhere else.
Apart from that my eyes are bad; you could say that the rest of my body is perfect.
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