(Verb[ば])+ Verb [る](*) + ほど
([い]Adjective[ば])+ [い]Adjective(*) + ほど
([な]Adjective + なら(ば))+ [な]Adjective(*) + な + ほど
([な]Adjective + であれば)+ である + ほど
(Noun + なら(ば))+ Noun(*) + ほど
(Noun + であれば)+ である + ほど
(*) The same Adjective, Verb or Noun has to be repeated
About ば〜ほど
ば~ほど is a combination of the conjunction particle ば, and the noun ほど. It is used in a similar way to 'the more ~ the more' in English. Literally, it just highlights that 'if it is (A), then the limit of (A) will be controlled only by its extent'.
To use ば~ほど, ば will be paired with the hypothetical form of any verb/い-Adjective (or noun/な-Adjective with なら on the end), before the same word will be repeated in its attributive form. After this, a (B) part of the sentence will highlight what the expected result of (A) is.
As である (the formal version of だ) may replace な with な-Adjectives (or なら with nouns), sometimes である will be used instead of な/なら, in regard to both nouns and な-Adjectives.
When this expression is used with する verbs, the noun that する is linked to in the ば part of the sentence does not need to be repeated in the ほど part.
Fun Fact
Sometimes, the ば 'hypothetical' part of the sentence will be omitted altogether, leaving ほど to perform a similar function by itself.
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