Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 8: 15/23

一方(いっぽう)More and more, Continue to, Keep on, -er and -er

The verb must express change (e.g. 増える、下がる、or verbs ending with …なる、…てくる、…ていく etc.)


Verb + 一方(いっぽう)
Verb + 一方(いっぽう) + Phrase


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About 一方だ

一方(いっぽう) is a noun that is often seen after verbs, in order to convey the meaning of 'more and more (A)', 'continuing to (A)', or 'getting (A)er and (A)er'.

一方(いっぽう) will be paired with the auxiliary verb (at the end of sentences), or で, だ's conjunctive form when it will be followed by some sort of explanation.

As the literal meaning of 一方(いっぽう) is 'single direction', it may be used with things that are increasing, decreasing, intensifying, or weakening, so long as the shift is all in a single direction.


一方(いっぽう) may only be used with verbs that express some kind of change, as 一方(いっぽう) itself does not express change, just a continuing direction.

  • 高齢化(こうれいか)(すす)んで、人口(じんこう)()一方(いっぽう)。 (Natural)
    Because of the aging society, the population continues to decline.
  • 子供(こども)怪我(けが)して()一方(いっぽう)。 (Unnatural)
    The child cries in one direction because he got injured.




    More and more disasters happen.


    The financial situation of the company continues to get more and more strict.


    The population of my town keeps on decreasing.


    If I keep going on like this, my debts will continue to increase.


    Unfortunately, there are more and more cases like these.

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      一方だ – Grammar Discussion

      Most Recent Replies (4 in total)

      • mrnoone


        Hey, long time no see

        Generally 一方だ and ばかりだ are exchangeable at all times when describing some kind of change (often with negative nuance).

        If you are getting then “Could you say it another way?” notification, and another chance to type the answer then answer is considered proper but is not allowed since its using different grammar point.

      • lantana


        Thanks for your answer. Unfortunately I am just getting them marked wrong instead of the “Could you say it another way?” notification.

      • mrnoone



        We have fixed it, so ばかり should be working from now on

        Thanks a lot for pointing this error, and sorry for causing the inconvenience

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