まさか + Phrase
About まさか
Almost always written purely in hiragana, まさか is a combination of まさ, a noun meaning 'precise', or 'exact', and the adverbial particle か. In modern Japanese, まさか is thought of as a single adverb meaning 'it can't be true', 'no way', or 'don't tell me'.
As it is treated primarily as an adverb, まさか will most often appear at the beginning of a sentence, before some statement about what the speaker is shocked/surprised about.
Fun Fact
まさ comes from 正, meaning 'precise' or 'actual'. However, this noun is very rarely used in modern Japanese. まさに is an adverb used to mean 'precisely', while まさか is another adverb used to mean 'no way!'. However, the literal meaning of まさか is closer to 'is it true?', or 'is it actually?', due to か's role in creating questions.
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I never dreamed I would meet you in a place like this!
I never dreamed it would snow this much.
Don't tell me... Did you really tell him about that?
Don't tell me... There's no way you forgot your wallet again... right?
まさか彼が犯人だなんて… ショックだ。
I never dreamed that he would be the criminal… I'm in shock.
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まさか – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (3 in total)
English translation:
I never dreamed
never・no way
don’t tell me・you don’t sayStructure:
まさか + PhraseView on Bunpro
Most example sentences are written in the form まさか + … + なんて + neg. verb.
What does なんて mean in this context? And if なんて and neg. verb are commonly used together with まさか you could note that in the structure.
In this case, it is used for emphasizing the feeling of surprise even more.
What about まさか+の?This is a sentence from NihongoDekita with Sayaka I got randomly recommended today: 天気予報では、すぐに雨が止む予定だったんですけど、まさかのもっと降ってきてしまったので、ちょっと雨宿りしています。She translates it as “unexpectedly”.
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