Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 8: 1/23

なんてSuch as, Things like, Emphasis

Notice that なんか generally follows nouns


Verb + なんて
[い]Adjective + なんて
[な]Adjective + なんて
Noun + なんて(1)

(1) なんか


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About なんか・なんて

なんか is an expression in Japanese that is frequently associated with the adverbial particle など. They are thought to have overlapping meanings in many circumstances, and なんか itself may be considered an adverbial particle. なんて is an extension of this, and may be considered an abbreviation of などという 'to say something like'.

Both なんか and なんて are used in the same way as など, having translations like 'such as', and 'things like' in English. The primary difference between なんか and なんて is that なんて is far more common after 用言(ようげん) (conjugatable words). This includes verbs, い-Adjectives, and な-Adjectives. On the other hand, なんか is almost exclusively used after 体言(たいげん) (unconjugatable words). In other words, nouns.

Despite the 体言(たいげん) and 用言(ようげん) tendency, most native speakers will not consider it incorrect to use either なんか or なんて with any type of word.

Fun Fact

Both なんか and なんて are often used to show a low evaluation of the word that they follow. This can come across as humility when used in relation to oneself, or as an insult when used in relation to others.

Don't let this point stop you from using なんか or なんて though, as many native speakers use it simply to fill the silence in modern Japanese.




    Such is life.


    I hate things like flattery!


    I would never do something like lie to you. Trust me.


    Don't say things like I am fat.


    I am unable to do things like give directions.

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なんか・なんて – Grammar Discussion