Grammar Info

N4 Lesson 2: 2/17


To start with, Firstly


まず + Phrase


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About まず

Like many other adverbs in Japanese, まず can be used to modify a whole phrase/sentence. This means that it will regularly appear at the beginning of a statement. まず is associated with kanji (まず) and therefore carries the meaning of 'first', or 'starting with'.
  • まず宿題(しゅくだい)たほうがいい
    First, it would be best for me to do my homework.
  • まずエンジンかけ
    First, please turn on the engine.
まず is regularly used when you want to convey that something 'should' be done before anything else/discussed first, and not when something is first in rank.
  • (あか)(くるま)まず、ゴールました
    The red car finished to start with. (Unnatural Japanese)
In this kind of sentence, it would be far more natural to use a statement like 一番(いちばん), 最初(さいしょ) or 一位(いちい) if discussing rank.
When using まず, it can sound like you are giving someone advice, so be careful to use polite language, or perhaps (おも) to show that the suggestion is just an opinion.
  • まず(わか)(ほう)がいい(おも)
    I think you should break up before anything else.




    First let's go dancing.


    First let's go shopping then after that, shall we go out to eat?


    To start with, please paint the walls.


    This one first right?


    First read the book, then let's go see the movie.

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      まず – Grammar Discussion