Verb (A) + より + Verb (B) + 方 + が
[い]Adjective (A) + より + [い]Adjective (B) + 方 + が
[な]Adjective (A) + な + より + [な]Adjective (B) + な + 方 + が
Noun (A) + より + Noun (B) + の + 方 + が
Part of Speech
Word Type
Adjective / Adjectival Noun
About より~のほうが
より~のほうが can be thought of as similar to the grammar points たほうがいい, and ないほうがいい, in that it expresses that one thing is the 'better (A)', or 'more (A)'. However, unlike ほうがいい based expressions, any pair of adjectives, verbs, or nouns may be compared in this construction, so long as のほうが is followed by an adjective.
より translates roughly to 'than', or 'rather than' in this phrase.
From the examples listed here, we can see that より will always appear after the word that has the lower extent of (A), when used together with のほうが.
When より is used by itself, or when it is not linked directly to the previous word, it can seem like it has the opposite meaning. However, in these cases, のほうが just remains unsaid.
In this example, because the より is after が, not before これ, it is easy to assume that これ is the thing that is lower. However, this が behaves in the same way as のほうが, meaning that これ itself is the more expensive thing, with より just being used like 'relatively' (compared to many other things).
Although の方が is the most common construction, the particle を may sometimes replace が. This is especially true when used with markers of desire such as たい and ほしい. The primary difference between these two is that が emphasizes what a person wants or wants to do (the whole statement), while を emphasizes the item or action itself (regardless of the rest of the statement). With たい, both を and が will sound completely natural. However, with ほしい, が will be more natural, while を is accepted.
This use of ほしい only applies to wanting items, as opposed to たい, which indicates the desire to 'do' something.
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That bread is more delicious than this bread.
I like soccer more than basketball.
Ryuto is smarter than Yuki.
I like Sunday more than Monday.
あそこの 公園より、家に近い公園のほうが広い。
The park near my house is more spacious than that park over there.
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Using 「より」 for comparisons
Tae Kim
When Comparing Two Items
[DBJG] A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar
Page 140
Genki I
Page 194
Genki I 2nd Edition
Page 232
Marugoto Elementary 2 (A2) Rikai
Page 116
Tae Kim's Japanese Grammar Guide
Page 268
みんなの日本語 I
Page 80 [CH 12]
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