Grammar Info

関西弁 Lesson 1: 2/21

よ ⇒ で・わEmphasis (sentence ending particle)



Verb + (1)
[い]Adjective + (1)
[な]Adjective + や + (1)
Noun + や + (1)



    About よ ⇒ で・わ

    The sentence ending particle in standard Japanese has 2 possible alternatives in 関西弁(かんさいべん). These are , and . and are considered sentence ending particles themselves in 関西弁(かんさいべん), and behave slightly differently to their standard Japanese counterparts. As replacements for , and will express to the listener that something is being emphasized, or that new information is being conveyed.

    Either or may be used at the end of a sentence in which new information is being conveyed. However, when preceded by a noun or な-Adjective, the regular combination of だよ (or ですよ) will be replaced with either やわ, or やで (や being the 関西弁(かんさいべん) equivalent of or です).


    です is also regularly seen with わ, as it is not always replaced by や. Despite this, で (as a sentence ending particle) may not be used with です. This is the primary grammatical difference between で and わ that will need to be remembered.

    • 流石(さすが)無理(むり)です。 (Standard declaration)
      As expected, it's impossible.
    • 流石(さすが)無理(むり)。 (Stating to someone)
      As expected, it's impossible.
    • 流石(さすが)無理(むり)。 (Stating to someone)
      As expected, it's impossible.
    • 流石(さすが)無理(むり)ですで。 (Unnatural)
      As expected, it's impossible.
    • これ(すご)便利(べんり)です。 (Standard declaration)
      This is very useful.
    • これ(すご)便利(べんり)。 (Stating to someone)
      This is very useful.
    • これ(すご)便利(べんり)。 (Stating to someone)
      This is very useful.
    • これ(すご)便利(べんり)です。 (Unnatural)
      This is very useful.


    In standard Japanese, わ is a sentence ending particle that is primarily used by women to add a slight nuance of emphasis, exclamation, or determination. The primary difference between the standard Japanese わ, and the 関西弁(かんさいべん) わ is intonation. In 関西弁(かんさいべん) わ is said with a falling tone (and may be used by men or women), while the standard わ is said with a rising tone (and is almost exclusively used by women).

    • (なか)いっぱい()もう(たべ)べられない
      I am so full and I can't any more. (Feminine)
    • これ以上(いじょう)()えん
      I can't eat more than this. (I can't eat anymore)




      This is a pen.


      The person who does this job is me.


      It's here!


      A book is here! / There is a book!


      It is such a quiet day. (A day full of free time)

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