Grammar Info

関西弁 Lesson 1: 2/21

よ ⇒ で・わ

Emphasis (sentence ending particle)



Verb + (1)
[い]Adjective + (1)
[な]Adjective + や + (1)
Noun + や + (1)



    About よ ⇒ で・わ

    The sentence ending particle in standard Japanese has 2 possible alternatives in 関西弁(かんさいべん). These are , and . and are considered sentence ending particles themselves in 関西弁(かんさいべん), and behave slightly differently to their standard Japanese counterparts. As replacements for , and will express to the listener that something is being emphasized, or that new information is being conveyed.
    Either or may be used at the end of a sentence in which new information is being conveyed. However, when preceded by a noun or な-Adjective, the regular combination of だよ (or ですよ) will be replaced with either やわ, or やで (や being the 関西弁(かんさいべん) equivalent of or です).
    • (まえ)トラックデカすぎ信号(しんごう)()えへん
      The truck in front of us is so big that I can't see the traffic lights.
    • その(なべ)(あつ)()をつけ
      That pot is hot, be careful.
    • (くし)カツソースろ。味噌(みそ)カツ(きら)
      Kushi-katsu should be sauce. I don't like miso-katsu. (Kushi-katsu should be eaten with sauce! I don't like miso-katsu.)
    • この()こう()えてめっちゃ(あたま)いいんや
      Despite how this person looks, they are very smart.
    です is also regularly seen with わ, as it is not always replaced by や. Despite this, で (as a sentence ending particle) may not be used with です. This is the primary grammatical difference between で and わ that will need to be remembered.
    • 流石(さすが)無理(むり)です。 (Standard declaration)
      As expected, it's impossible.
    • 流石(さすが)無理(むり)。 (Stating to someone)
      As expected, it's impossible.
    • 流石(さすが)無理(むり)。 (Stating to someone)
      As expected, it's impossible.
    • 流石(さすが)無理(むり)ですで。 (Unnatural)
      As expected, it's impossible.
    • これ(すご)便利(べんり)です。 (Standard declaration)
      This is very useful.
    • これ(すご)便利(べんり)。 (Stating to someone)
      This is very useful.
    • これ(すご)便利(べんり)。 (Stating to someone)
      This is very useful.
    • これ(すご)便利(べんり)です。 (Unnatural)
      This is very useful.
    In standard Japanese, わ is a sentence ending particle that is primarily used by women to add a slight nuance of emphasis, exclamation, or determination. The primary difference between the standard Japanese わ, and the 関西弁(かんさいべん) わ is intonation. In 関西弁(かんさいべん) わ is said with a falling tone (and may be used by men or women), while the standard わ is said with a rising tone (and is almost exclusively used by women).
    • (なか)いっぱい()もう(たべ)べられない
      I am so full and I can't any more. (Feminine)
    • これ以上(いじょう)()えん
      I can't eat more than this. (I can't eat anymore)




      This is a pen.


      The person who does this job is me.


      It's here!


      A book is here! / There is a book!


      It is such a quiet day. (A day full of free time)

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