Noun + を中心 + に(1)
Noun + を中心 + にした(2) + Noun
(1) にして、として
(2) とした
About を中心に
When combined with nouns, the expression を中心に indicates that something is being 'focused on' or 'centered around'. Occasionally, it may also be translated simply as 'mainly (A)', or 'most notably (A)'. 中心 itself is a noun that expresses the 'pivot', or 'central focus point' from which something else is occurring. The case marking particleに just marks '(A) を中心に' as the target that is being focused on.
Due to 中心 itself marking a 'central point', it may also be used just to express the middle of something, rather than something that is being concentrated or focused on.
By adding する in either its dictionary or past forms, を中心にする or を中心にした may appear before another noun. This will highlight the noun that comes after as being the overall thing through which the 'focus on (A)' is taking place.
Additionally, the case-marking particle と may sometimes replace に. This change will put more nuance on the focus point being conclusive, rather than progressive or decisive.
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The world revolves mainly around Teruhashi-san.
Mako leads a life centered around computers.
My wife works and I place my focus on raising the children. That is our livelihood.
Let's build some houses centered around that antenna.
As always, my son always thinks in terms that are focused on money.
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を中心に – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (3 in total)
focused on
centered on/around
most notablyStructure
- Noun + を中心に / を中心に して / を中心 として
- Noun1 + を中心に した / を中心 とした + Noun2
[Aを中心に is used to express that A is a center of something in the physical or metaphorical sense]
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What does that mean?
Matt on Game Gengo just posted a video on this grammar.
The current translation for
is slightly incorrect and doesn’t help accurately interpret the difference in nuance that とする infers.
Currently, “to stop centering my diet around fried food,” implies a there’s a deliberate, active effort on the part of the speaker to prioritise fried food. However, を中心とする is used here because the sentence is describing a general characteristic of the diet (it naturally revolves around fried food), not an intentional action of making fried food the focus.
Therefore, a more accurate and helpful translation would be "When I went to my physical check-up, my doctor told me to stop having a diet that is centered on fried food."
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