Grammar Info

N4 Lesson 9: 15/16

()する-ification, -ization, To make something, To change, To become, Transform into


Noun + ()(する)
Noun + () + する(1) + Noun

(1) した


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About 化する

() by itself is a suffix in Japanese which means 'to change', or 'to transform'. When paired with する, it means 'to transform into (A)', where (A) is the noun that () is connected to. This structure is regularly translated as '~ification', or '~ization', and similar suffixes in English.

When the する is connected to another noun, it may occasionally appear as した, or with attached to the end of it. This will indicate that there is a relationship between (B) and (A).

However, in formal/scientific writing, the する (and ) may sometimes be dropped.




    It appears to be simplified English.
    (change/transform into)


    It is considered that automation is one of the sources of economic growth in the 20th century.
    (change/transform into)


    Dad, you minimize apps like this.
    (change/transform into)


    It is said that there are already plans to commercialize that new type of battery.
    (change/transform into)


    The plastic liquefaction method might revolutionize the energy industry.
    (change/transform into)

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化する – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (10 in total)

  • cytsunny


  • BoxerDanc


    It’s in N4 but the sentences are hella complicated. Not even a single easier one. Gimme a break

  • BoxerDanc


    Sorry, I see it’s been ages since your question.

    Looks like they need you to input する in the passive form, which is される (is done). And combine it with another grammar point N4 Lesson 2: 6/17 始める.

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