Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 4: 13/21


(Not) involved with, (Not) concerned with, (No) connection with, (No) relationship with, (Not) related to


Noun + に(1) + 関係(かんけい) + がある(2)
Noun + に(1) + 関係(かんけい)+ (3)ある(2) + Noun

(2) ない


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About 関係がある

When the noun 関係(かんけい) 'a relation' is paired with がある 'to have', it will be received in a similar way to phrases like 'involved with (A)', 'concerning (A)', or 'in relation to (A)'. 関係(かんけい)がある is often be preceded by the case marking particle , expressing the location 'where' the connection exists.
itself will always be preceded by a noun or noun-phrase.
  • さっき(もり)(ほう)()げた(ひと)事件(じけん)関係(かんけい)がある(おも)います
    I think the person that ran into the forest earlier is involved in the crime.
  • この仕事(しごと)関係(かんけい)がある資料(しりょう)(すべて)提出(ていしゅつ)てください
    Please submit all documents concerning this work.
Alternatively, be replaced by other case marking particle such as と or の. Each has a slightly different nuance, but are used quite interchangeably.
関係(かんけい)がある - Relating to (A).
関係(かんけい)がある - Related with (A).
関係(かんけい)がある - Having a relation with (A).
  • あの工場(こうじょう)(かわ)汚染(おせん)関係(かんけい)があるそうだ。
    I heard that that factory has something to do with the pollution of the river.
  • この事件(じけん)関係(かんけい)がある(ひと)全員(ぜんいん)ここ()れてきてください
    Please bring everyone related to this case over here.
  • それこれはなんの関係(かんけい)があるのだろうか
    I wonder what relationship this and that have.
  • この被害者(ひがいしゃ)関係(かんけい)がある(ひと)(あつ)てください
    Please gather all people that are connected to this victim.
Naturally, ある may be replaced by ない, to express that the is 'no relation' between (A) and (B).
  • それ(わたし)関係(かんけい)ないです
    That, I have no connection to.
  • 授業(じゅぎょう)関係(かんけい)ない(ほん)はしまってください
    Please put away books that aren't related to class.
Fun Fact
The primary difference between に and と in this grammar pattern is that に highlights the relationship from a single perspective, while と focuses more on how (A) and (B) are related together.
  • この事件(じけん)関係(かんけい)ない(ひと)(かえ)てください
    People that have no connection to this crime, please go home.
  • (わたし)(はなし)関係(かんけい)ないこと()ないで
    Please don't say anything that isn't related to my story.




    It seems that they each have some unclear relationship with Mr. Aizawa.


    Each person directly related to the suspect was summoned. (has a relationship)


    There has to be some kind of relation between the accident and this. (has a relationship)


    Fill in the blanks with words that are related to Japanese food. (has a relationship)


    When there is a cause and effect relationship between clause A and clause B, 'kara' and 'node' are used. (has a relationship)

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