Grammar Info

N5 Lesson 4: 11/13

のが()Like doing, Love doing


Verb[る]+ + + () +


  • Part of Speech


  • Word Type

    Adjectival Noun

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About のがすき

~のが() is a common construction that is used in Japanese to express that you like/love doing something. This particular expression is used with the plain (dictionary) form of verbs only.

In these examples, we can see that there is no difference between Ichidan verbs and Godan verbs. Both will be used in their plain forms. In this expression, のが is performing the same function as in the regular のは or のが construction. This function is nominalization (turning a phrase into a noun). However, のは may not be used with this phrase, as will always appear with adjectives.


If you want to express that you liked doing something (in the past), the verb will still remain in the plain form, but () will change to past tense.

  • (かれ)野球(やきゅう)するのが()だった
    He liked to play baseball.
  • 息子(むすこ)漢字(かんじ)()のが()でした
    My son used to like to write kanji.

This construction can also be used to ask questions about what other people like. This is done through the addition of .




    I like playing soccer.


    I like reading books.


    I like eating ramen.


    I like playing with dogs.


    You like going on trips, don't you?

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のがすき – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (4 in total)

  • mrnoone



    好き demands for the object of liking to be marked with が.
    So it is always Someoneはsomethingが好き。
    Same applies to 嫌い。

    は is also a particle that expresses contrast.
    So if you want to express contrast it is OK to use のは。


    I like watching TV. But I don’t like listening to the radio.

    There is contrast expressed.

  • GregX999


    How does this differ from ことが好き? This review question told me “Can you say it another way?” when I answered with ことがすき, (with no other hints) so are they interchangeable?

  • mrnoone


    They are
    の is used more often with 好き and 嫌い though.

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